Monday, January 21, 2013
I just got back from spending eight days in Mexico and wanted to share a few adventures. It was an interesting trip visiting Cancun and the surrounding areas both good and bad. A few days on the beach always refreshes me somehow. However on the second day of my travels someone walked away with my backup camera. I almost brought my primary shooter and would be a little more upset if my D3s was stolen but decided against it at the last minute and I cannot say how glad I am to have listened to my spidey senses. Nevertheless as a backup to my backup I brought a little point and shoot which allowed me to capture a few decent images of the trip. On Monday we traveled to Chichen Itza. These particular Mayan ruins are about a two and a half hour bus ride from Cancun City along a two lane highway. Chichen Itza is also one of the largest pre-Columbian Maya cities in the Yucatan state and was built somewhere between 600-750 A.D. The ancient city’s center covers almost two square miles and only about 10 percent of the city has been uncovered by archeologists. The main structure is El Castillo also known as the Temple of Kukulkan. The temple was used as a part of the yearly calendar with four equal sides each of which had 91 steps leading to the top of the 98.5 foot stone building. What can I say I learned a lot o history while at Chichen Itza. After wandering the ruins for almost two hours we then traveled to Ik-Kil, one of many cenotes around the ruins. Ik-Kil is open to the sky with the water level about 85 feet below ground level. There is a carved stairway down to a swimming platform where I proceeded to leap into the 130 foot deep water. Unfortunately there was not a lot of time but I did get to check out an up close and personal look at the vines which reach from the opening all the way down to the water along with small waterfalls and swim with the black catfish that inhabit the waters.

A Mayan hieroglyph adorns the side of the ball field at the ruins of Chichen Itza in Mexico on Monday, January 21, 2013.
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