Friday, February 22, 2013
And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song is a musical that was held as part of the 2013 Roswell Roots Festival. In its twelfth year, the festival celebrates Black History Month for the city. The musical was performed at Zion Missionary Baptist Church which is nestled in a quiet neighborhood in the Roswell city limits. And Still We Sing is broken into five scenes two of which are particularly moving. Scene two depicts a group of slaves singing spirituals while scene three involves a train of African Americans running for their freedom along the Underground Railroad led by Harriet Tubman.
The crowd takes their seats before the start of “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013. The musical is part of the twelfth annual Roswell Roots Festival which celebrates black history and culture.
The choir sings “Go Tell it on the Mountain” during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Deacon Tom Davis talks to the audience as he introduces “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Tatiana Taylor (left), Alexandria Brown, Shaina Bolden and Lana and Lynnae Hill perform during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013. The musical is part of the twelfth annual Roswell Roots Festival which celebrates black history and culture.
Roy Hudson sings during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
The adult choir sings during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Anderson Davis (right), Marcus Richardson and Roy Hudson sing during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Willie Brooks (center), Roy Hudson (left) and Robert Washington sing during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Derrell Martin (left), Roy Hudson and Willie Brooks sing during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Derrell Martin (left) sings a solo during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Darlene Kerr (center) plays Harriet Tubman during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.
Wayne Hill Jr. (center left) and Gail Brown play passengers on the Underground Railroad during a scene from “And Still We Sing…The African-American Spiritual Journey as Nurtured by Song” at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Roswell on Friday, February 22, 2013.