Friday, April 12, 2013.
I was finished with a project for a client in Alpharetta tonight and traveling down 400 to Atlanta. All of a sudden brake lights lit up ahead of me and in my rearview mirror I saw blue flashing lights coming up fast. At first I thought there was an accident but after the 15th police car passed by at a high rate of speed I knew something was up. Earlier in the evening an armed suspect had shot an Alpharetta police officer three times and then fled the scene. The ensuing car chase led officers down 400 and ended just north of the Northridge Rd. exit where the suspect opened fire and was then killed as officers returned fire. A woman who was driving as the chase passed by was also injured by gunfire as the suspect fired out of his window according to news reports. For the next two and a half hours 400 became a parking lot.

Police cars block all southbound lanes of 400 south in Sandy Springs just north of the Northridge exit after police shot and killed a suspect who shot an Alpharetta police officer three times earlier in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2013.

Traffic sits at a standstill on 400 southbound in Sandy Springs just north of the Northridge exit after police shot and killed a suspect who shot an Alpharetta police officer three times earlier in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2013.

Traffic sits at a standstill on 400 southbound in Sandy Springs just north of the Northridge exit as an emergency vehicle tries to pass by in the breakdown lane after police shot and killed a suspect who shot an Alpharetta police officer three times earlier in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2013.

Drivers try to see past the slew of police cars as traffic sits at a standstill on 400 southbound in Sandy Springs just north of the Northridge exit after police shot and killed a suspect who shot an Alpharetta police officer three times earlier in the evening on Friday, April 12, 2013.

Police and emergency personnel work the scene on Northridge Rd on 400 southbound in Sandy Spring after a officer shooting suspect opened fire on other officers at the end of a high speed chase on Friday, April 12, 2013.