Friday, August 9, 2013
With summer coming to a close and children going back to school there is a lot less free time for families around Atlanta to play outside. That being said, there are thousands of local playgrounds all over the metro area for those with a little bit of time and looking for a whole lot of fun. The playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming features an archeological dig site for children to sift through sand and mulch to find parts of a dinosaur skeleton as well as arrow heads and tomahawks. The main draw, at least on Friday however, seemed to be the giant rope tower that rises into the air. With different interconnected segments to climb on, the wood and rope structure rises 15-20 feet above the ground in a teepee type shape.
Sophie Haney and her brother Nolan play in a part of the archeological dig site at the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Kensley Burke (right) and Nolan Haney climb on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Megan Bunker (left) and Riley Burke climb on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Sophie Haney climbs on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Kensley Burke climbs on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Riley Burke crawls through a log as her sister Kensley and Sophie Haney sit on top at the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Sophie Haney climbs on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Kensley Burke climbs on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.
Sophie Haney (left), Riley Burke and Megan Bunker climb on the playground at Caney Creek Preserve in Cumming on Friday, August 9, 2013.