Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Ann Drake is lucky. The 80-year-old Atlantan took a serious tumble off of the front steps of her home recently that left her with a dislocated shoulder and a gash in her head. Through the kindness of neighbors, Ann’s daughter Crystal was notified and the pair traveled to Grady Memorial Hospital to get Ann patched up. The doctors at Grady have started doing senior wellness and balance checks for their patients over 65. Last Wednesday Ann was gracious enough to allow me into her home to hang out with her and her daughter as they battled it out in a game of Scrabble. Crystal usually spends time with her mother, playing games, cooking meals and making coffee. It always feels special for me to be allowed a glimpse into someone’s life especially after a traumatic experience. Ann had me in stitches most of the evening as we talked about her life and her passion for quilting and her family.

Ann Drake (left) plays a game of scrabble with her daughter Crystal at her home in Atlanta on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.

Ann Drake (left) plays a game of scrabble with her daughter Crystal at her home in Atlanta on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.

Ann Drake (left) plays a game of scrabble with her daughter Crystal at her home in Atlanta on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.

Ann Drake (left) plays a game of scrabble with her daughter Crystal at her home in Atlanta on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.