Sunday, January 18, 2015
Last Monday was the holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and all of last weekend over 1,000 people volunteered their time and their skills to help those in need. The 13th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend had those volunteers helping make repairs on 27 senior homes around the city of Decatur. Whether it was making their homes more energy efficient, cleaning up the yard, painting, replacing light fixtures or installing new tubs and showers, these volunteers spent thousands of man hours in a few short days to ensure the legacy of Dr. King, helping our fellow man, lives on.

Christopher Lewis (left), Tasalinah Andralliski, Tiana Lewis and Teaheerah Andralliski make nametags before heading out to volunteer during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Ronnie Williams unloads wheelbarrows full of tools that will be used to make repairs during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Ronnie Williams pulls out buckets of tools that will be used to make repairs during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Paul Mitchell (center) talks with his volunteers before they head out to start working during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Jennifer Ross (left) talks with Eli Dodson as she and other volunteers make repairs to his home during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Sre Yeddula (left) and Alex Dulisse seal the duct work in Eli Dodson’s basement during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Tiffany White puts a fresh coat of paint on Annie Harper’s dining room walls during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Sheena Martin puts a fresh coat of paint on Annie Harper’s porch steps during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Maketa Colbert (right) and Andrea Parker clean up Annie Harper’s back yard during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Dust flies everywhere as Phil Houck helps install a new handicap accessible shower in Inez Baughns home during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Ashley Lytle seals roof shingles during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Buelah Rosser puts a fresh coat of paint on the cabinets in her home as volunteers help to make repairs during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Quinn Eastman uses a saw to cut a piece of wood during the Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend on Sunday, January 18, 2015.