The Norfolk Southern Building as it spans down Spring St. with the Mercedes Benz Stadium in the background.
The old Norfolk Southern Headquarters, which spans two blocks of Ted Turner Drive, is in the process of interior demolition since being bought by CIM Group. The historic building is just one of many adaptive reuse projects in the city. The 280,000 sq. ft. building will be turned into 250 units of varying size and 50,000ish sq. ft. of retail and commercial space.
An aerial view showing the left side of the building and the skybridge across Nelson St.
The main entrance to the Norfolk Southern Building along Spring St.
A view from the Garnett St. side.
Leftover signage from when the building was being filmed in a movie.
This space that runs alongside Spring St. will eventually house some of the retail spaces along the right side with room to spread out and hang out in the corridor.
Looking up to Spring St. from the ground floor of the building.
Markers for Whithers Foundry dated 1911 can be seen in some of the stone pilars outside the ground floor.
Foundation pillars line both sides of the ground floor of the building.
Windows line the walls in each building along the ground floor.
An original door opens to a brick wall at the moment.
A large fan (left) and a freight elevator (right) were used in the transfer of goods from train cars that pulled into the ground floor of the building.
An old freight elevator shaft and an old door on sliding wheels will be kept as part of the aesthetics.
Demo is complete on the ground floor but there is still some cleanup to do.
This particular section of the ground floor lays directly underneath and helps support the Nelson St. Bridge.
One of the many nooks and crannies of the ground floor of the building.
Both sides of the building have main lobbies. This side has marbled walls and the left entranceway will probably house a restaurant once construction is complete.
An ornate staircase leading from one of the main lobbies to the upper floors.
Hardwood flooring along the outside and a strip of marble down the middle in a section on the fourth floor.
Original hardwood flooring from the early 1900s.
A stairway leading between the fourth and fifth floor in the skybridge between the two buildings.
Panels have been removed from the raised flooring to be able to access decades old wiring and technology.
Decades old technology still sits in what used to be a computer room.
More wiring and hubs in what used to be a computer room on the fifth (sixth possibly) floor.
Demo is waiting to be complete on the seventh floor.
Asbestos abatement is happening on the eighth floor.
Rusted out piping in between the eighth floor and the roof.
The roof is covered in electrical supply buildings, steel walkways, metal piping and non functioning machinery.
Diesel supply and return lines run the length of the roof. Walking Dead fans will recognize this rooftop from season one.
The Mercedes Benz stadium and Richard B. Russell Federal building can be seen from the rooftop.
Massive evaporators and condensers sit rusting on the roof.