Saturday, December 1, 2012
December is here and with it so is Christmas. Families all over the metro Atlanta area start off the month looking for the perfect tree to decorate their home with. Whether it’s a 12 foot fraser fir or a Charlie Brown Christmas tree there are many outlets around the city to find just the right one. To continue the Three of a Kind photo feature for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, I traveled to Briarcliff neighborhood of Atlanta to check out Shallowford Presbyterian Church’s Christmas tree sale. For years the congregation has been ordering fraser firs from North Carolina to sell, raising funds for different projects.

People look for the perfect Christmas tree at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Jimmy Moore uses a chainsaw to trim a Christmas tree for a patron at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Glenn Wikle (left) and Charlie Thatcher (right) hold a Christmas tree steady as Tom Heyse uses a pair of shears to trim some of the branches for William Brown at Shallowford Presbterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Mark Parsons (right) uses a pair of shears to trim some of the lower branches off of a Christmas tree as Will Blissit holds the next one in line at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Andrew Bamford ties the rope holding a Christmas tree to a patron’s car at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December1, 2012.

Mark Parsons (left) uses a pair of shears to trim some of the lower branches off of a Christmas tree at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta on Saturday, December 1, 2012.