Sunday, November 17, 2013
Thanksgiving is a week away and the rest of the holidays are just around the corner. It’s that time of year to spend with loved ones, remember those who aren’t here any longer and be thankful for what we have. However, Atlanta as a whole has a large population of people who are down on their luck and need some help to get through the winter months. That means that Thanksgiving is also a time to roll sleeves up, volunteer some time doing something good and helping those that need it. Lift Up Atlanta is a local non profit organization in the Edgewood neighborhood of Atlanta that helps those in need with food, clothing and other necessities. On Sunday, volunteers packaged up donated food for 30 local families that will be used to cook a Thanksgiving meal at the Philip Rush Center off of Dekalb Avenue.
#atlanta #thanksgiving #nonprofit #liftupatlanta #philiprushcenter #edgewood #food #helpingthoseinneed