Tuesday, June 3, 2014
For the past three years each summer I have been covering a series of camps for kids. Every two weeks I pick a theme and run with it and this summer is no different so to start out my four part series I picked art camps. The first one, Camp Carlos, is held for a number of weeks at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the campus of Emory University. Each week, campers get a chance to explore different aspects of art and history as they create with paint and clay, make jewelry and other awesome projects. On Tuesday, campers were hard at work making Egyptian themed works of art inspired by Son of Sobek. Tune in tomorrow for more camps from around Atlanta!

Maya Dickson (center) puts the finishing touches on her Egyptian themed statue during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Oren Stapel-Wax makes an Egyptian themed statue during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Ian Bendoly (left), Jack Collins and David Bugrovsky watch as Pam Beagle-Daresta (right) demonstrates how to mix clay for an art project during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Pam Beagle-Daresta (right) demonstrates how to mix clay to her campers during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Claudia Restler (right) and Georgie Weaver make Egyptian themed amulets during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Caleb Stapel-Wax makes an Egyptian themed amulet during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Pam Beagle-Daresta (center) helps Oren Stapel-Wax (left) and Ella Kemmerly (right) with their Egyptian themed amulets during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Maya Dickson presses clay into a mold as she makes an Egyptian themed amulet during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Maya Dickson (right) shows off her Egyptian themed amulet during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Owen Moriarty (left) and Aarini Ransom make an Egyptian themed amulets during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Art projects sit on a work table during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Mac Wickland (center) makes an Egyptian themed amulet during the Son of Sobek week at Camp Carlos at the Michael C. Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.
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