Sunday, July 6, 2014
So I am not sure exactly what I want to say about the Atlanta Food Festival that was actually in Marietta at Jim R. Miller Park. I usually try to stay positive on this website but I must say that I was sorely disappointed with this event. I’m not sure what happened, whether it was priced too expensively ($15 between parking and entry fees just to get in the door) or whether the food tickets were too much ($1.75 per ticket, which most food items cost a minimum of four tickets) or whether the event as a whole was not advertised enough (there were very few people who attended the event, which was two days, and the first day there were so few people that most of the vendors decided not even to show up for Sunday). Regardless of whatever it was I made the most out of the bad situation and as a silver lining, the vendors who did show up for Sunday, were very friendly and talkative.

Barry Walker tends to a smoker full of rib chips on the Down the Bayou food truck during the Atlanta Food Festival at Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta on Sunday, July 6, 2014.

Adrian Blu Moore (left), Lauren Simpson and Chazz Reese perform on stage during the Atlanta Food Festival at Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta on Sunday, July 6, 2014.

Drew Verstraete seasons a bowl of fries inside the Mobile Marlay food truck during the Atlanta Food Festival at Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta on Sunday, July 6, 2014.

Eugene Hunter (right) pays Vernell Mosley for a peach tea from the Sweet Tea Factory during the Atlanta Food Festival at Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta on Sunday, July 6, 2014.