Saturday, January 10, 2015
Saturday morning I bundled up and headed to Decatur for the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k. The race typically draws around 400 runners and their four legged friends each year with proceeds going to support the sports programs at Decatur High School and Renfroe Middle School. The runners and their dogs braved cold conditions on Saturday but the lack of warmth didn’t stop them from having a good time!

Jessie Bitetti-Griffin (left) and Joy Provost register for the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k at Decatur High School on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Kira Eidle (left) takes care of Chewbacca for her owner as she registers inside Decatur High School for the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Skylar Rhame (center) holds onto Gala for her owner as she registers inside Decatur High School for the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Deva Prather (center) ties a handkerchief around her dog Ginger’s neck before the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Truman (right) stands near his owner sporting signs supporting his brother Rainer (left) as he and Shenoa Creer prepare to run in the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

David Putman (left) nears the first turn during the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Paul Lantinga (center) follows behind his dog Leo as they near the first turn during the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Leah Cook (center) and her dog Reese make the first turn during the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Nora Moore (center) and her dog Tucker near the finish line during the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Sam (center) follows close on the heels of his owner Keith Tinaglia as they near the finish line during the 10th annual Run with the Dogs Frostbite 5k in Decatur on Saturday, January 10, 2015.