October 2017
The area surrounding the old Turner Field is due for a revamping. The mostly shuttered buildings, that have views of the old home of the Atlanta Braves and current home to the GSU Panthers, are in disrepair and right now stand as an eye sore along Georgia Ave. But that is all about to change in the coming months. Carter, one of the powerhouses in the state, has plans to change the face of Georgia Ave., making it a revived neighborhood that can rival East Atlanta, Little Five or Ponce. But before that starts to happen I had the chance to check it out as things stand now. Come take a look before it changes!
The corner of Georgia Ave. and Terry St. (number 85) marks the beginning of the Carter properties that will soon undergo a transformation for the area.
The current front facade to 85 Georgia Ave. is covered in poetry and graffiti.
Uncovered courtyard space in the rear of 85 Georgia Ave.
Multiple courtyards behind 85 Georgia Ave. looking back from the far corner towards the building.
Brick walls line one of the courtyards behind 85 Georgia Ave. leading into the current interior of the building.
The interior of 85 Georgia Ave.
The building on the far side is 71 Georgia Ave. The parking lots in between 71 and 85 will become outdoor patios for reatuarants.
Although currently sporting the addresses of 75 and 73, the music note building along Georgia Ave. will become one address, 71.
The interior of the left side of 71 Georgia Ave.
The rear interior of the left side of 71 Georgia Ave.
The exterior right side of 71 Georgia Ave. with amazing old signs sporting regular dinners, sandwiches and short orders.
The right side of 71 Georgia Ave. in its current state includes a tree that has grown through the brick of the back wall.
The exterior of 63 Georgia Ave. looking down towards GSU Stadium sports a graffiti face and more artwork provided by Living Walls.
A look at more graffiti art along 63 Georgia Ave. (right) and looking back towards 71 and 85.
The main floor interior of 63 Georgia Ave.
A sweeping view of the basement floor of 63 Georgia Ave.
Old telephones, chairs, televisions and other junk (treasures) in the basement of 63 Georgia Ave.
The floor has caved into a section of basement at 63 Georgia Ave.
Deer or possibly antelope decorate the front of 59 Georgia Ave.
The brick wall interior of 59 Georgia Ave. is one of the most put together at the moment.
A look at the artwork on the exteriors of 71 (left), 63 and 59 Georgia Ave.
A look at the side exterior wall of 39 Georgia Ave. with the skyline of the city in the background.
The brick wall and steel girder front interior of 39 Georgia Ave.
A hole in the ceiling of the first floor of 39 Georgia Ave. gives a glimpse of the wooden trusses to the second story roof.
Light filters into the rear interior of 39 Georgia Ave. looking back towards the front of the building.
The current empty lot looking back towards 39 Georgia Ave will actually become a brand new building at 33 Georgia Ave.
25 Georgia Ave. marks the end of the Carter owned project on this side of the street.
The no roofed interior of 25 Georgia Ave.
The former Turner Field/current GSU Stadium at the corner of Georgia Ave. and Hank Aaron Dr.
The former Turner Field/current GSU Stadium at the corner of Georgia Ave. and Hank Aaron Dr.
The parking lots across from GSU Stadium leave room for future development of the area including possible off campus student housing.
The old gold and orange lots for Turner Field will be turned into office and residential space at the corner of Georgia Ave. and Hank Aaron Dr.
The state capitol building, Ramada, Westin, Equitable building and more are seen from across the gold and orange parking lots for the former Turner Field. These lots will soon become office and residential buildings.
This building on Georgia Ave. will become addresses 60, 66 and 68.
The interior of 60 Georgia Ave. With a large staircase leading up to a second floor it is unsure whether or not that will remain a two story unit or not.
A window looking out behind 60 Georgia Ave.
Piping attached to the bottom of the second floor inside 60 Georgia Ave.
The current pink interior of 66 Georgia Ave.
A very white and clean interior for 68 Georgia Ave. complete with small, creepy wall door.
A peek inside the small, creepy wall door inside 68 Georgia Ave.