Santa Claus Lives in Canton

I photographed Santa Claus at his home, which is believe it or not, in Canton on Friday, December 9, 2011.  Ronald and Betty Page have been decorating their home for Christmas for years. Each year, the couple adds more decorations and expands the family friendly adventure around their yard and through their house. Lines of children and adults alike stream through the sparkling winter wonderland on their way to spend a few minutes with Kris Kringle. These are some of my favorite images. If you are interested in viewing or purchasing these and other photos click on the Buy Prints link above or click here.














One comment to “Santa Claus Lives in Canton”
One comment to “Santa Claus Lives in Canton”
  1. This is just what we need for our children…what a great and wonderful thing that Santa and Mrs. Claus are doing by making their home available to all the children young and old. Makes Christmas time so much more…We as Citizens owe a gratitude that can only be given by visiting these warm and generous people. Saw a report on WSBTV and loved it…

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